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Sweet Family..The Debate Family

I think God must have given this family some extra training up in heaven because you can feel their love and sweetness from a MILE away! I can not get over how GORGEOUS these kiddos are…Mom and Dad are in some SERIOUS trouble! Everything was so easy with them and their personalities just shined through the camera for me! Love when that happens!


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Happy Family….The Dalton Family

The Dalton’s somehow (magically) have all the right ingredients that make up their perfect little family. They are Loving, Funny, and just kind people! When I say they are a happy family, I mean I have never seen them without smiles and without jokes flying out of their mouths. You really can’t help but want to be around them and it feels almost like an honor if they take the time to tease or bag on you….because then you know your IN..then you know they kinda like you. They are a lot to handle…and they are a Big MESS but in a good way 🙂

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An Old Friend…The Webb Family

I was contacted by an old friend from high school to take family pictures and I was so excited to be able to see her again. What a beautiful family you have Natalee! Such special, sweet little cuties! I am so glad to see you doing well and happy!

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